Unity Basic tutorial

first of all you need unity software u can download it from www.unity3d.com from where you can also learn how to use unity 3d engine it is basically a computer graphics which focuses on the game development and animation creation unity 3d have alot of assets available in unity store you can download and the assets to use in your project there are some assets which are free to use to every one but some people want reward to their hardworking by selling some assets and  you have to have little bit knowledge of C# or java programming to handle the events in game or create animation of the object that you created or downloaded to your project in unity 3d has also allowed Maya object to run in unity 3d engine. unity 3d engine have also many effect available in its store and some are built in you can use them to decorate your project environment. in unity 3d we can also manipulate the object scale it any needed size. if you want to build a game and you want it to be done easily so you have to chose unity 3d to make it easier to do unity is used to build games in many different platforms some big names are PC games, PlayStation games, xbox games, windows phone games, android games, apple games etc. it has also phsyx which use to collision with other object such as if we some so wall and we do not apply phsyx then that object easily can move throw the wall which is not like real and we do not want something like this so we use phsyx for gravity collision.

so now we start with a some project without touching the programming side we only focus of the designing side before we start lets understand its basics

First start with small video tutorial hope you like it and understand it

sorry for not using the screenshot in screenshot i think so it will be bit hard to define its good to demonstrate so we come to our real project how to use unity 3d to make a 3d environment i am using some unity 3d assets
first of all download this asset from this link

first start with create a project

now delete the directional light and main camera

now import the package as we downloaded from above link

after this now click to all and then to import
wait for a while to load the assets

now create a 3d object terrain 

now we need some light so we again add directional light as u see nothing now but after directional light big change to come

as you can see the skybox is added which default with unity 3d 

now we need to create some mountains so we manipulate the terrain 

click the brush then click to edit texture then add 

type stone in search 

now select it
do it again

select for the both then press add 


now click on the first brush in terrain section
click the first one

now select any needed shape and click on the terrain 

now where where u click it comes up

now we have to import that house

click the abounded house then click

now drag it in the screen now it look like this

now the effect need some video demonstration and camera

image effect and camera in next update soon 


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